Research of features of formation of system of motivation of the personnel of airline

  • Sheromova I.A.

    I.A. Sheromova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The formation of a favorable motivational climate at the enterprise and an effective system of personnel motivation is one of the most important factors in increasing labor productivity in the context of ensuring the effectiveness of the company as a whole. Of particular importance are issues of personnel motivation in enterprises whose activities are associated with a high degree of risk, both for personnel and for consumers of goods and services. These include airlines. In the course of the theoretical and empirical research, the main approaches and features of the formation of the airline staff motivation system are identified.It was established that when ap-
plying the methods of material and non-material motivation, it is extremely important to take into account the specifics of the company’s activities and general moods in the work team, as well as informal leadership. To effectively motivate company personnel, an individual approach to each employee should be used. It is shown that material motivation should be applied to all employees equally, while all groups of employees should be able to receive additional payment for effective work. At the same time, the competitive bonus system will allow introducing an element of competitiveness and increase the desire of employees to work in accordance with high quality standards. It was revealed that non-material motivation should become an integral part of the airline motivation system, since most of its employees appreciate the favorable climate in the work team, respect and care from the bosses, which are important aspects for the
implementation of quality work.

Keywords:  airline,  personnel  motivation  system,  motivation  methods,  motivational  types,
motivational profile of employees, factors of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with work, key mo-